Search results for: 2018

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Module 139: Human-centric lighting
This module explores how the case is being made for assessment of the benefits of human-centric lighting principles…

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Module 138: Ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools – updated guidance
This module explores some of the main influences and requirements for the updated BB101 guidance for indoor environmental…

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Module 137: Two-stage heat exchangers in heat networks to maximise energy utilisation
This module looks at the drivers and methods to enable wide temperature differentials in heat networks

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Module 136: Accessible computational fluid dynamics for building services applications
This module explores the use of CFD in providing building systems manufacturers, designers and operators with intelligence on…

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Module 135: Direct evaporative cooling for comfort applications
This module considers the main measures used to determine and interpret the operational efficiency of water chiller-based building…

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Module 134: BIM evolution to enhance delivery and operation of buildings
This module explores the evolution of BIM working practices and the standardisation that is driving a more consistent…

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Module 133: Effective use of corrosion-resistant press-fit carbon steel piping systems
This module explores some of the key aspects that influence the serviceable life of press-fit carbon steel piping…

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Module 132: Predicting the efficiency of water chillers for building comfort cooling
This module considers the main measures used to determine and interpret the operational efficiency of water chiller-based building…

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Module 131: Continuous flow hot-water systems in commercial and institutional applications
This module considers the lifetime effectiveness of continuous flow hot-water systems

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Module 130: Applying combined heat and power (CHP) in heat networks
This module explores some of the significant factors involved in the successful application of a productive CHP-linked heat…

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Module 129: Dynamic thermal simulation for the evaluation of building ventilation solutions
This module considers the application of evolving dynamic thermal simulation software tools and their use in the assessment…

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Module 128: Improving the performance of vapour compression air-cooled chillers
This module explores the application of a novel condenser design that can improve the effectiveness of systems without…

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Module 127: Reduction and prevention of limescale in continuous flow hot-water systems
This module explores what causes limescale and how it can be addressed in modern continuous flow hot-water systems

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Module 126: Radiant sails for room conditioning
This module explores the impact of radiant heat transfer on occupant thermal comfort and considers the application of…

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Module 125: Applying solar shading to reduce overheating in buildings
This module explores how appropriate applications of solar shading can substantially reduce solar heat gain, alleviating the need…

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Module 124: Meeting variable, uncertain DHW demands with natural gas- and electrically powered DHW generation
This module explores solutions for natural gas and electricity-powered non-residential DHW applications

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Module 123: Operating and enhancing PCM-cooled ventilation systems in office applications
This module looks how the PCM-air heat exchanger could typically work in office applications and how future designs…

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Module 122: Applying ventilation to mitigate home overheating
This module considers the problems of overheating in domestic buildings, methods to predict realistic overheating risks, and how…

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Module 121: Employing the Internet of Things for smarter buildings
This module offers an introduction to the Internet of Things, and explores various protocols and applications relevant to…