Search results for: 2014

Module 71: Liquid desiccants for dehumidification in building air conditioning systems
This module considers the application of liquid desiccant dehumidification systems to reduce air moisture content.

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Module 70: Radiant heating with low temperature hot water
This module explores the underlying processes that drive radiant heating, and the application of simple and integrated service…

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Module 69: Delivering ventilation to occupied spaces
This module explores the link between fresh air ventilation rate and internal environmental quality

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Module 68: Moving towards interoperability in building services control
This module examines the common protocols that are allowing building automation and control systems to converge

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Module 67: Applying integrated gas-fired absorption heat pumps to bridge the energy performance gap in non-domestic buildings
This module examines application of gas absorption heat pumps as the lead heating source in 'bivalent' heating and…

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Module 66: Building in flexibility for VRV systems to satisfy the demands of changing building use
This module considers the planning of variable refrigerant volume/flow systems to accommodate future changes in building use

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Module 65: Applying chilled beams to reduce building total carbon footprint
This module considers designs and applications of chilled beams for energy and carbon reduction

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Module 64: Evaluating and improving the performance of variable refrigerant flow air conditioning systems
This module explores measures underpinning the system of energy performance labelling for space air conditioning systems, and how…

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Module 63: Setting safe foundations for internet-linked building control systems
This module considers the issues when planning building control systems using IP-based networks

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Module 62: Evolving VRV beyond comfort conditioning
This module explores the application of advanced VRV systems

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Module 61: Continuous airflow measurement in ventilation and air conditioning systems
This module considers the methods and practicalities of measuring airflow

Module 60: Measuring the thermal performance of glazing
This module explores factors that determine the thermal performance of glazing