Case study: One Angel Square, Northampton

Robust modelling and an intelligent redesign enabled BDP to retain natural ventilation in Northamptonshire County Council’s new offices. Andy Pearson finds out how collaborative value…

September 2019

Case study: Cambridge Central Mosque

Cambridge’s elegant new mosque has comfort and sustainability at its heart thanks to the involvement of the environmental engineer at the project’s inception. Andy Pearson…

July 2019 Cooling

Force of nature – naturally ventilating Amsterdam’s Breeze Hotel

The 11-storey Breeze Hotel in Amsterdam has a unique natural ventilation system that uses solar chimneys and water droplets sprayed into a shaft to move air around…

June 2019 Cooling
Lark Rise Passivhaus Plus home

Case study: Lark Rise, the UK’s first Passivhaus Plus

A Passivhaus Plus home in the Chiltern Hills establishes the ‘building as a power station’ concept and shows the viability of an electrical grid powered…

May 2019 Housing
Trumpington College Credit Jack Hobhouse

Silent treatment: acoustic design in an open plan school

The design brief for Trumpington Community College was for open teaching spaces overlooking a large, airy atrium. The challenge for Max Fordham’s acoustic engineers was…

March 2019 Acoustics
Exterior of school POE post occupancy evaluation Credit Tim Soar

Measuring beyond energy in a school POE

Evidence gathered from a school campus in London shows the lessons that can be learned from a holistic approach to building design and operation, which…

March 2019 Health & wellbeing
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