Grooved pipe jointing

Thermal expansion and grooved pipe-joining systems

A grooved pipe-joining system is one method of accommodating thermal expansion and contraction in HVAC systems. Victaulic’s Larry Thau explains the technique’s design benefits and…

January 2016
Durban International Convention Centre

The balance of power – modelling a microgrid in Durban, South Africa

Smart grids offer the potential for buildings to generate and store power for future use. Mike Barker MCIBSE, of BuildingPhysics, says it will be the…

January 2016
Magnetic field visualisation

What’s so attractive about magnetic refrigeration?

Magnetic refrigeration has the potential to reduce energy use by 30% and requires no refrigerant. Metkel Yebiyo and Graeme Maidment, of Sirach, describe the technology,…

January 2016

Above and beyond – innovation in building photovoltaics

As the 2020 ‘nearly zero’ energy buildings target approaches, Liza Young explores Swansea University’s pioneering research into building-integrated photovoltaics, as well as its unique ways of…

January 2016

Down to zero – winner of Ashrae modelling competition

An ASHRAE competition pitched teams of industry practitioners against each other to come up with the best model of a zero-net energy building. ‘Team IES’…

January 2016
Multi ThyssenKrupp

Engineers cut lose as ropeless lifts enter space race

A revolutionary elevator that uses magnetic levitation to move horizontally and vertically is set to transform the design of tall buildings. Alex Smith reports on…

January 2016
CISCO headquarters, Bedfont Lakes

Giant strides – Cisco and Johnson Controls merge BMS and IT

Technology giants Johnson Controls and Cisco have merged the BMS and IT technologies at a Cisco HQ in the UK on a single platform, and…

November 2015

The right tool for the job? Testing the BIM Toolkit

The NBS BIM Toolkit is designed to help organisations reach Level 2 BIM, but how does it perform under test conditions? The CIBSE BIM Group…

November 2015

Smooth transition – what the ErP Directive means for consultants

Condensing boilers have been mandatory in the domestic market for more than a decade, but it is only recently that the commercial sector has followed…

November 2015

Small and mighty – the performance of a fuel cell micro-CHP

Fuel cell micro-CHPs have the potential to make a huge contribution towards the UK’s energy reduction targets, but how do they work in practice? To…

November 2015
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