Heat networks: countdown to regulation

New regulations due next year are set to revolutionise the design and operation of heat networks in the UK. Phil Jones and Gareth Jones look at the latest rule proposals and explain the importance of technical assurance in setting performance standards in new and existing networks

Case study: Battersea Power Station

Battersea’s iconic power station has reopened as a mixed-use development incorporating an innovative services strategy that removed the need for heating and cooling in the gargantuan retail mall. Andy Pearson takes us on a tour

Above and beyond: Heat network pipework design

Implementing innovative approaches to pipework routing, such as above-ground distribution planters, will be critical in future urban energy networks, says GreenSCIES’ Dr Akos Revesz, in a paper presented at the 2021 Technical Symposium

A new era for heat: Queens Quay heat pump

A large-scale ammonia water source heat pump at the Queens Quay heat network in Glasgow promises to decarbonise heat for new and existing buildings. Vital Energi’s Lee Moran describes the scheme

Quality assured: regulating the heat network industry

With investment in heat networks expected to rise exponentially, the government is proposing mandatory testing to ensure the new wave of low carbon district heating delivers performance and value for consumers. Alex Smith reports

In the hot seat: Interview with Dave Pearson

Large heat pump installations could change the way heat is generated in the UK and help decarbonise existing buildings in cities, says Star Renewable Energy’s David Pearson, who speaks to our journalist Andy Pearson