New CIBSE officers, Board members and Council members take office from the AGM in June each year.
The CIBSE Board is the governing body of the Institution. It is made up of seven officers (President, president elect, three vice presidents, honorary treasurer and immediate past president) and five elected members.
The vice presidents and honorary treasurer are appointed by the Board, but the president-elect and board member positions are subject to election if there are more candidates than vacancies.
The Council of the Institution is a much larger consultative body, which advises the Board on CIBSE policy. It includes several elected members, in addition to representatives of all Groups, Regions, Societies, and Standing Committees.
There are usually three vacancies for candidates each year as the elected members rotate through their three-year term.
CIBSE members are invited to propose candidates for the positions of president-elect, Board members and Council members to take office at the AGM in June 2025.
All suggestions received will be considered by the CIBSE Nominations Panel, and the Board will consider the Panel’s advice before deciding which candidates to recommend for the vacancies.
Any candidates nominated to the Panel but not recommended by the Board may also choose to go forward for election, subject to obtaining the support of 10 corporate members, in which case a ballot will be held.
Members may put themselves forward for consideration or suggest colleagues who are willing to be considered and who meet the eligibility requirements.
Further information on the process, role descriptions and eligibility requirements can be found on the CIBSE website at www.cibse.org/nominations, along with the nominations form that must be completed for all candidates who are put forward for consideration.
To meet the timescales required, all suggestions must be received at the CIBSE offices by 14 October 2024.