A new edition of CIBSE Guide D: Transportation systems in buildings was recently launched at the annual lift symposium.
The guide is a key source of information for those who work in the vertical transportation industry, and is also a valuable source of information for architects, developers and those involved in the management of estates and buildings.
This fifth edition is the result of an extensive review and revision by a dedicated team of lift and escalator specialists and building service engineers. It covers a whole range of topics, including planning and design, legislation, and fire and safety.
The purpose of Guide D is to provide guidance to practitioners. It will also be of interest to architects and developers, plus facilities and building managers, students embarking on a career in mechanical, electrical or building services engineering, and those wishing to enhance their knowledge in this area.
Copies of CIBSE Guide D are available at www.cibse.org/knowledge. The Lifts Group is free to join – visit www.cibseliftsgroup.org