Outstanding contributions of members recognised with medals

Phil Forrester received a CIBSE Silver medal in April and Susie Diamond was awarded a CIBSE Bronze medal

Two CIBSE members have been awarded medals in recognition of their contribution to the Institution and the industry.

Phil Forrester, was presented with a CIBSE Silver medal in April, by David Hughes. He highlighted Forrester’s time as a professional review interviewer for CIBSE, and his work on the West Midlands regional committee.

He joined the Independent Case Procedure Panel (ICP) in 2006, and has been chair since 2014, making significant contributions and developing standards for the consideration of non-accredited qualifications, developing the technical report route and experiential learning routes to membership and registration. He is also a member of the Education, Training and Membership Committee.

Hughes said: ‘Phil has always been very supportive, positive and informative across the broad spectrum of membership activities.’

Susie Diamond was awarded a CIBSE Bronze medal in recognition of her vast contribution to research, building physic and CIBSE. Her contributions to publications were noted in her medal proposal, including her work on TM59: Design methodology for the assessment of overheating risk in homes.

She co-authored the Good Homes Alliance Tool and guidance for identifying and mitigating early stage overheating risks in new homes, and was co-author on the Building Performance Evaluation Guide, for the GHA and WoodKnowledge Wales. She was a contributing author for TM54: Evaluating operational energy use at the design stage.