Dan Lister was welcomed as the new president of the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL) at its AGM in May. He takes over from outgoing president Helen Loomes, and Kristina Allison was inducted as SLL president-elect.
Delivering his Presidential address Lister shared his belief in the need to shift how we discuss lighting performance within the industry. He said: ‘Rather than solely focusing on energy and carbon consumption we must recognised the broader impact of light on health, wellbeing and human experiences’.
He highlighted the collective responsibility that SLL members have with CIBSE, to curate building performance, and ensure outcomes.
A number of awards were also presented on the night, acknowledging those who have given so much to the lighting industry and SLL:
The Leon Gaster and Walsh-Weston Awards are for the best published papers in Lighting Research & Technology journal. The Leon Gaster Award, presented for the best paper concerned with lighting applications, went to Mehlika Inanici, Belal Abboushi and Sarah Safranek, for Evaluation of sky spectra and sky models in daylighting simulations.
The Walsh-Weston Award recognises the best paper on more fundamental lighting matters, and was won by Nozomu Yoshizawa, Roland Schregle, Ken Komazawa, Kaira Ootori and Toshihide Okamoto for Photon flow: A three-dimensional expression of the light field using volume photon mapping.
Austin Williamson won the SLL Regional Award, which recognises work undertaken by an individual on behalf of the society in the regions.
David Battersby was presented with the Lighting Award in acknowledgement of his outstanding service to the SLL as project lead for Pockets of Light, in October, alongside Light Night Leeds.
Florence Lam received an honorary fellowship of the SLL, in recognition of her significant contribution to the society and the wider lighting profession.
The final award on the night was the President’s Medal, which recognises significant and lifetime contributions to lighting. This year’s recipient was Peter Raynham. The AGM took place in Leeds and online.
Visit www.cibse.org/sll