Minutes for CIBSE Annual General Meeting

CIBSE AGM looked back on success of Building Performance Awards, Build to Perform Live and the contribution of CIBSE to building regulations review


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of CIBSE was held on 5 May 2020. In view of restrictions imposed to contain the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, the AGM was conducted  as an online meeting in a webinar format. Lynne Jack, outgoing President, chaired the meeting, Chief Executive Stephen Matthews read the notice convening the meeting.

The minutes of the 42nd annual general meeting of CIBSE, held on 7 May 2019 and published in the July 2019 issue of CIBSE Journal, were accepted as a correct record, subject to noting that a question had been raised regarding the status of the Research Fund; conversations subsequent to the meeting had resolved the difference between the costs of research and the contribution from the Fund, and clarified the availability of the Fund for research expenditure.

Annual Report and Financial Statements

Lynne Jack introduced the Annual Report for 2019, drawing attention to the agreed CIBSE values: to lead, to empower, to champion and to inspire. These would be important in the current challenging times. She referred to the Phase 1 report of the public inquiry into Grenfell Tower, which had sharpened the focus on building regulations and compliance.

She noted the contribution to Dame Judith Hackitt’s review by the technical team, the work of CIBSE members to find new ways of working to avoid such tragedies, and the publication of Guide E on fire safety.

CIBSE was working to help meet the UK’s 2050 net-zero carbon emissions target, had contributed to the review of Parts F and L of the Building Regulations, and was working on climate change issues and overheating in particular; attention was drawn to the CIBSE Climate Action Plan.

The Building Performance Awards had been very successful, with excellent nominations, and Build to Perform Live had attracted more than 1,700 attendees with 170 speakers.

The Inclusivity Panel continued to deliver important work, with well-received inclusivity guidelines published during 2019.

She applauded the work  of the CIBSE Young Engineers Network, having hosted its global conference, and referred to the Graduate of the Year awards, thanking employers for their support.

It had been an honour and privilege to lead CIBSE, and she thanked everyone who had contributed, both volunteers and staff.

Richard Willis, audit partner of BDO LLP, then read the audit report, which confirmed that the Annual Report and Financial Statements gave a true and fair view of the state of the group and the parent charity’s affairs, and of the income and expenditure for the year, and had been prepared in accordance with all relevant requirements.

He further confirmed that there were no matters to which he would be required to draw attention by exception and no undisclosed material issues or inconsistencies between the Annual Report and the Financial Statements.

Honorary Treasurer Adrian Catchpole then reported in more detail on the Financial Statements, drawing attention to the breakdown of income sources and confirming that total income for the year had risen to £7.36m from £7.024m in the previous year.

He went on to present a detailed breakdown of the income sources of  the commercial trading subsidiary CIBSE Services Ltd, highlighting the importance of income from Training in particular. The results of CIBSE Services Ltd had been affected during the year by the decision to transfer ownership of CIBSE Certification Ltd from CIBSE Services to CIBSE itself, and to commence certification trading through CIBSE Certification Ltd. This had removed certification activity from the CIBSE Services results for part of the year. Income sources other than certification had, however, increased by £29k in total for the year.

Group expenditure through subsidiaries had increased in line with income. Membership and Technical expenditure had both increased, but Regions, Special Interest Groups and Societies expenditure had reduced, and Research was at a similar level.

Some extra costs had been incurred with the transfer of certification business, while membership costs had increased to improve support and improve membership recruitment and retention. Technical expenditure reflected increased consultations and work in respect of the Grenfell enquiries.

The reduction in Regions, Groups and Societies expenditure arose from changes to the support structure and the application of overheads, and did not reflect a reduction in support for activities.

Overall, a surplus before investments of £71k had been achieved, with a positive investment result of £155k adding to a net movement in funds of £226k.

Regarding the Balance Sheet, property and equipment had reduced because of depreciation, investments had performed well, and stocks and debtors were at a similar level to the previous year.

Cash balances were up because of prompt payment of membership subscriptions, which was also reflected in an increased creditors figure.

In summary, Adrian Catchpole noted the strong performance, and acknowledged the importance of new digital services to the work of the Institution. He acknowledged, however, that the resent coronavirus outbreak and the measures taken to contain it would have significant impact; the Trustees and Exec were working closely together to evaluate this and would take all necessary steps to safeguard the financial position of the Institution.

He thanked the staff for their support, in particular, director of finance Desiree Blamey.

In response to questions, Adrian Catchpole explained that, from next year, a detailed breakdown of performance would be provided for CIBSE Certification Ltd; this had not been undertaken for the current meeting, as it had traded for only a few months in 2019.

Regarding  the increase in membership cost, which was up by more than membership income, this reflected a restructure to provide better support to the Regions, Groups and Societies, as well as investment to drive future membership growth and improve the membership journey; it was hoped that  this would drive higher income levels in future.

It was also explained that the Restricted Funds referred to the CIBSE Patrons Fund, which came from companies that wished to support the work of the Institution.


Adrian Catchpole proposed that BDO LLP be appointed as the Institution’s auditors for 2020, and that the Board be empowered to agree their remuneration. This was seconded by Kevin Kelly and approved by a substantial majority.

Board and Council for 2020/2021

Stephen Matthews declared that following individuals appointed and elected to serve as Officers, Board Members and Council Members following the AGM 2020.


  • President: Stuart MacPherson (takes office automatically)
  • President-elect: Kevin Kelly
  • Immediate past president: Lynne Jack (takes Office automatically)
  • Vice-presidents: Ashley Bateson, Susan Hone-Brookes, Kevin Mitchell
  • Hon treasurer: Adrian Catchpole

Members of the Board:

  • Elected members: Vince Arnold, David Cooper
  • Continuing members: Les Copeland, Fiona Cousins, David Fitzpatrick

Members of Council:

Elected members: Scott Mason, Mike Smith, Becci Taylor

Any other business: There was no other business.