CIBSE weather data a must for latest NCM Guide

Dynamic simulation model software must also meet classification outlined in CIBSE AM11

CIBSE’s 2016 Test Reference Year (TRY) weather data sets are now a requirement of the National Calculation Modelling (NCM) guide, which came into force in June 2022 and includes several important changes.

The guide provides direction on the use of the government’s Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM), and other approved software tools, when demonstrating compliance with CO2 emissions, primary energy requirements, and calculating asset ratings as part of Energy Performance Certificates for buildings other than dwellings.

Along with the use of 2016 CIBSE weather data files, dynamic simulation model software must meet or exceed the classification of dynamic modelling outlined in CIBSE AM11: Building performance modelling.

The new guidance also refers to CIBSE Guide A: Environmental design.

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