CIBSE Journal has once again topped the poll of CIBSE member benefits, as voted in the CIBSE membership survey.
The biannual membership survey, which ran in June, received more than 1,500 responses – a 42% increase from the 2018 survey. CIBSE Journal came out the top-rated member benefit and was closely followed by the Knowledge Portal.
Some 79% of respondents felt that being a CIBSE member had benefited their career, and 80% felt membership was considered important.
CIBSE received four out of five stars for overall value and customer service. When asked how we could improve in these areas, many members suggested improvements to the website and to speed up the membership application process.
As a result, an upgrade to the website is planned for 2021 and an online application portal has been launched to make it easier to join or upgrade membership.
Unsurprisingly, there was a large shift towards a preference for digital services, with 64% of respondents preferring events to be delivered virtually, 57% preferring virtual training and more than 77% preferring digital knowledge items.
When asked how CIBSE could provide better value, many called for more online CPD, training and meetings. To provide value to members, regular free webinars will continue to be run and many CIBSE training courses are now available virtually.
Technical guidance and support around Covid-19, climate change and air quality were identified as priority areas for CIBSE over the next 12 months.
CIBSE will continue to support members in these areas.
CIBSE would like to thank all those who participated in the survey.