Building safety regime must be firmly enforced, says Actuate

Acutate UK say enforcement of the new building safety act is needed

Credit: Dimitris66

The government’s new building safety regime will require firm enforcement to ensure it is not undermined by an ‘unscrupulous’ minority in the industry, Actuate UK has warned.

The engineering services umbrella body supports the legislation’s focus on more rigorous enforcement in its response to the government’s consultation on the implementation of the Building Safety Act and the new building control regime.

Actuate UK says the Hackitt Review’s call for a golden thread, to ensure up-to-date and relevant building and safety records are easily accessible to all contractors, should apply to all buildings.

It endorses the move for the early appointment of subcontractors at all tiers to ensure their knowledge is presented at the design stage, but raises concerns that lack of clarity about the definition of ‘designer’ in the new duty-holder regime will discourage collaboration within the supply chain.

Dr Hywel Davies, chair of Actuate UK’s Building Safety Group and technical director at CIBSE, said: ‘The new requirements need clear guidance and firm enforcement to discourage the unscrupulous from undercutting the majority who want to reform the industry for the safety of all.’