
Rethinking the fan coil

The Artus hybrid air conditioning unit is only 200mm deep, yet it achieves energy savings of 83% over…

October 2021

Taking shape: shape memory alloys in air conditioning

A shape memory alloy technology could be a GWP-free, cost-effective successor to vapour compression refrigeration. Liza Young finds…

September 2021

Gree’s award-winning net zero carbon cooling solution

Air conditioning giant Gree has been recognised as joint winner of the 2021 Global Cooling Prize for creating…

July 2021

Cooling’s pathway to net zero

For the UK to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the cooling industry must radically improve the efficiency…

April 2021

Guide to low loss headers

Achieving hydraulic separation through well-designed low loss headers is key for efficient heating and cooling systems. David Palmer…

April 2021

Handling Covid risk in thermal wheels

To minimise the risk of Covid-19 transmission in thermal wheels, designers should choose a configuration that minimises recirculation…

February 2021

Refrigerant rethink: measuring the environmental impact of HVAC

Specifiers need to start assessing a refrigerant’s embodied carbon as well as its global warming potential, says Klima-Therm’s…

January 2021

How thermal storage will free up roofspace at Millennium Bridge House

By using thermal storage in buildings with cooling and heating requirements, designers can cut energy use, reduce HVAC…

August 2020

Maintaining thermal comfort in a changing climate

In a warming climate, what can be done to maintain thermal comfort and productivity levels in buildings without…

May 2020
Daylit office Credit: iStock mediaphotos

Zero-GWP cooling using the barocaloric effect

A Cambridge start-up is pioneering a breakthrough technology, based on the barocaloric effect, to develop a radical zero-GWP…

February 2020

Using water as a refrigerant in a commercial chiller

The eChiller is a novel solution that uses water as a refrigerant. Green Thermal Energy’s Garry Broadbent explains…

January 2020

Showcasing net-zero: Event Complex Aberdeen’s energy strategy

The Event Complex Aberdeen has a sophisticated energy strategy combining anaerobic digestion, hydrogen fuel cells and CHP plant.…

November 2019

Case study: Cambridge Central Mosque

Cambridge’s elegant new mosque has comfort and sustainability at its heart thanks to the involvement of the environmental…

July 2019

Opening the loop – CP3 guide

Open-loop groundwater source heat pumps are poorly understood and little used in the UK. A new code of…

July 2019

Electrocaloric cooling – making a difference

Electrocaloric cooling works by applying an electric field to change temperatures and requires no refrigerants. Metkel Yebiyo and…

June 2019