Wong takes over as new CIBSE officers welcomed

Wong pledges to promote the positive message of the institution

CIBSE Journal June 2017 Wrong

Peter Wong (centre) with Kevin Kelly, Lynne Jack, Stephen Lisk and Paddy Conaghan

Peter Y Wong FCIBSE took up office as the new CIBSE President at the institution’s AGM on 9 May, taking over from John Field FCIBSE.

In his presidential address, Wong pledged to inspire the industry to embody the spirit and values of being a CIBSE member. He also wants to promote the positive message of the institution’s values and the professionalism it treasures, as well as aspire to exchange best practice among like-minded professionals worldwide.

CIBSE also welcomed Stephen Lisk FCIBSE as President-elect, and the senior CIBSE officers, including:

■ Immediate past President: John Field FCIBSE

■ Vice-president: Paddy Conaghan FCIBSE

■ Vice-president: Lynne Jack FCIBSE

■ Vice-president: Kevin Kelly FCIBSE

■ Honorary treasurer: Stuart MacPherson FCIBSE

Details and biographies of the officers can be found at the CIBSE website, and the AGM minutes will be published in July’s CIBSE Journal. Read Wong’s full presidential address here.